7 research outputs found

    Stride scheduling for time-critical collision detection

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    We present an event-based scheduling method for time-critical collision detection that meets real-time constraints by balancing and prioritizing computation spent on inter-section tests without starvation. We test each potentially colliding pair of objects at a different frequency, with un-bounded temporal resolution. We show that believability is preserved by adaptively prioritizing intersection tests to re-duce errors in collision detection, using information about the objects and scene. Through the combination of kinetic sweep and prune with stride scheduling we continuously interleave rendering, broad phase collision pruning, nar-row phase intersection testing, and collision response. Our method accrues no per-frame overhead and is interruptible at any point in collision detection, even the broad phase.

    Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simu Kinetic sweep and prune for multi-body continuous motion

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    We propose an acceleration scheme for real-time many-body dynamic collision detection. We kinetize the sweep and prune method for many-body collision pruning, extending its application to dynamic collision detection via kinetic data structures. In doing so, we modify the method from sample-rate-driven to event-driven, with no more events than the original method processed, also removing the perframe overhead, allowing our method to scale optimally in terms of frame-rates. Unlike many schemes for many-body collision pruning, ours performs well in both sparse and dense environments, with few or many collisions. r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Methodology and techniques—graphics data structures and data types; Three-dimensional graphics and realism—virtual reality; Dynamic collision detection; Kinetic data structures 1